team topologies

The Synergy of API Federation and Team Topologies - Team interaction modes under the looking glass

team topologies

The Synergy of API Federation and Team Topologies - Team interaction modes under the looking glass

Exploring Team Topologies' impact on modern enterprises, this series highlights its role in enhancing team interactions and driving digital transformation, focusing on API Federation. We examine interaction modes—collaboration, X-as-a-Service, and facilitating—essential for efficient API management across organisations, ensuring scalability, reliability, and agility. These modes facilitate optimal team

By Daniel Kocot
The Synergy of API Federation and Team Topologies - Complicated Subsystem Teams under the looking glass


The Synergy of API Federation and Team Topologies - Complicated Subsystem Teams under the looking glass

Exploring Team Topologies, this series highlights Complicated Subsystem Teams, crucial in API Federation. Unlike enabling teams, these specialised units tackle complex technical domains with deep expertise, vital for seamless API federation. They manage technical intricacies beyond generalist teams, focusing on advanced security, intricate data processing, and high-performance computing essential for

By Daniel Kocot
The Synergy of API Federation and Team Topologies - Stream-aligned teams under the looking glass

team topologies

The Synergy of API Federation and Team Topologies - Stream-aligned teams under the looking glass

In the evolving landscape of software development, API Federation stands as a cornerstone for businesses aiming to enhance their digital infrastructure. This post, the second the series on Team Topologies, explores how this framework can optimise organisational structures for better agility and innovation, particularly through the application of stream-aligned teams.

By Daniel Kocot